PDO threads for facial rejuvenation has increased in popularity dramatically, and for good reason.
PDO (polydiaxanone) threads are made of the same suture material used in infant surgery. They dissolve over time, but even after dissolving away the rejuvenation process they started continues on. PDO threads come in different sizes, lengths, and shapes. It is the desired outcome of treatment that will determine which ones are needed.
I have been treating patients with PDO threads for 5 years to achieve face rejuvenation for the middle aged to older patients and placing them on younger patients to provide anti aging measures. My experience has taught me who is a good candidate, what threads to select, what patterns to use, what depth to place them, and how to manage my patients expectations and increase their comfort before, during, and after treatment.
In a nutshell, I have broken down the thread types I use into 2 basic categories, THIN ones and THICK ones. Thin PDO threads are sometimes referred to as smooth or twisted threads. They are about as thin as a hair on your head and are placed in the superficial layers of the skin to smooth, brighten, and tighten skin. Thick PDO threads are also referred to as barbed threads. They are placed in the deeper layers of the face to lift and reposition the underlying tissues to where they once were. The barbed design and anchors maintain the lift.
Not all threads are created equal. I use Eurothreads because I believe they have the most innovative portfolio of threads with the newest technology available. The thread training they provide is of the highest standards, and I am honored to be part be one Eurothreads national trainers.